Effective Recieving And Warehousing

Effective Recieving And Warehousing


Warehousing and receiving procedures are a key focus of manufacturers and distributors. Procedures that optimize efficiency and minimize costs contribute significantly to effective business operations in these industries. Receiving, inventory control, order fulfillment and shipping are the basic processes in a complete warehousing system. Successful warehouse shippers follow a few basic rules to streamline their internal control procedures.
Receiving is the warehousing process that involves taking receipt of raw materials or products, updating inventory records to show the new items, and placing the items in their proper location for appropriate inventory organization and management. Equipment such as dollies and pallet loaders are used to unload items through doorways or loading docks and transport them into inventory. Procedures developed for this step should include use of proper equipment and safe unloading. Recording the inventory typically involves scanning it into the facility’s logistics software system. Once recorded, the company needs an easy-to-follow organizational system that helps employees know where to place the items.
The final step in the inventory and order fulfillment process is shipping. At this point, packages should be properly packaged, labeled and positioned for shipment or loading. Shipments should be loaded onto the right vehicles, then tracked until they reach the customer in good condition

Warehouse management costs typically represent 4.15 % of company revenue. Hence, it is important to establish speedy and efficient management of operations both directly and indirectly related to warehousing.
This session is intended to help managers :
•Review and optimize warehousing and logistics management operations
•Identify optimal size and location of warehouses to fulfill business needs and reduce shipping costs
•Improve inventory management with the aim to reduce costs
•Enhance overall warehouse productivity

•Introduction to warehouse management
•Components of logistics management
•Roles and responsibilities attributed to logistics
•Expectations of each person involved in the supply chain
•Centralize or decentralize – what is the preferred option ?
•Identification of factors influencing warehouse location
•Incoterms and their application
•Establishing distribution costs from a specific warehouse location
•Determining optimal delivery radius from a specific warehouse location
•How public warehouses and shipping brokers operate
•Various production planning and distribution strategies :
-Managing capacity
-Corporate Guidelines for production and distribution
-Planning material requirements or MRP
•Inventory Management
-Steps in sound inventory control
-Overview of total costs involved
-Calculations for bulk buying and how to best take advantage of it
-Calculation of emergency stocks
-Using equivalent substitutes due to buying restrictions
•Warehouse Layout
-Space calculations and selective positioning
-Addressing items
-Warehousing systems (storage)
-Handling items
-Factors to consider in acquisition of storage and handling equipment
-Wrapping and packaging
•Fundamental Warehouse Operations
-How to handle receiving?
-Processing returns
-The basic principles of picking
-Assessing productivity of warehouse operations
•Risks to be expected within logistics management

Tanggal :22-24 Maret 2016
Tempat :Yogyakarta

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation

Material accountants, logistics supervisors, managers and staff of material, inventory, warehouse, planning department are encouraged to attend this course.

•Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout, Softcopy (USB flashdisk) Lunch, Coffee Break, Souvenir
•Transportasi antar jemput selama training ( bandara / stasiun/ terminal, Hotel-tempat pelatihan PP)

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