Procurement; Contract Principle & Administration

This course will provide attendees with comprehensive skills on contract principle in procurement & some other related issues. It will also cover Legal Issues & Aspects in contracting which nowadays becoming more common & do-able. In addition to those, negotiations in the procurement phase discussion will also equip all participants to perform on the day-to-day activities.

• Understanding background of contrat principles
• Understanding kinds of business contracts
• Resolve problems that may arise in busines contract
• Monitor a contractor’s performance
• Apply remedies under the contract
• Prepare contract modifications
• Process a dispute, claim or termination
• Authorize payments under a contract
• Close out a completed contract
• Introduction :

  1. The Definition of the basic business contract
  2. Performance-based Service Contract
  3. Risk Management
  4. Types of Relationship Buyers-Sellers
  5. Contract Preparation
  6. Contract Tendering
  7. Contract Monitoring
  8. Problem Solving
  9. Contract Close-out
  10. Roles & Responsibility
  11. Exercises & Study Cases

• Legal Issues & Aspects in Contracting

  1. The two Meaning of Contract
  2. Create a Favorable Binding Contract
  3. The Do’s and Dont’s for Writing Effective Terms and Conditions
  4. Drafting LOI without engaging you in unnecessary risks
  5. Monitor and Enforce Rights that Survive close outs
  6. Guidelines for Contract Interpretation
  7. Questions & Answers session

• Developing Contractor Performance Tool

  1. What to measure?
  2. Contract Performance Measures
  3. Development of Key Performance Indicators
  4. Service Level Agreements
  5. Monitoring of Contract Performances

• Negotiations in the Procurement Phase

  1. Portfolio Analysis in Procurement: Value to Buyer vs. Number of Capable Suppliers
  2. Negotiation started as early as the need to procure identified.
  3. Negotiation Preparation of Contractor/ Supplier vs. Client/ Owner

• Contract Management and Negotiation

  1. Contract as a Legal Documents vs. Agreement
  2. Essential Terms of Contract
  3. Contract Risks Management
  4. Exercise : Contract Risk Identification and Mitigation Workshop
  5. Contract Changes and Dispute Settlement
  6. Claims


Ir. Setyawan Hardan, MSc and Team

Individual involved in purchasing, tendering, project end-user or suppliers, contracting and procurement specialist.


1. Presentation
2. Discuss
3. Case Study
4. Evaluation
5. Pre-Test & Post-Test


Hotel Aston Cihampelas Bandung
10 – 12 Desember 2014 l 08.00-16.00 WIB


1. Penjemputankedatangan di bandara
2. Transportasilokalselamapelatihan
3. 2x coffeebreak, Lunch
4. Acarakeakraban
5. Modul premium
6. Sertifikat
7. Souvenir
8. Training kit elegant
9. Dropping pesertakebandara


Rp.9.000.000,- per peserta (Residential)
Menginap di Hotel Fave

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